Fallen Grave Stones at Cemetery

FALLEN GRAVE STONES – If you have a loved one buried at Cedar Grove Cemetery, we encourage you to visit your loved one’s grave to see if the grave stone needs attention. If you happen to see a grave stone of anyone you know that needs attention, please contact their family member(s) and let them know of this need.

A number of grave stones have become unlevel which can happen over time as the ground settles. When a grave stone gets unlevel, it is a matter of time until it falls over. This is a common problem for those located on a hill.

Here is an example of a fallen stone and as you can see, the base is unlevel which caused the problem.

Since it is considered private property, city personnel cannot fix them. The family members must take care of them and if the family members are not aware of the problem, the grave stones remain in a fallen state.

The City of Leeds is reaching out to try to find family members of graves that need this type of attention. If you happen to know any of these families, please have them contact Martha in Public Works at 205.699.0935.

Also, please note that flowers should be put on head stones only and not on the ground. There is a bin in the cemetery for family members to discard old flowers. The city picks up this bin once a week. This provides a way for family members to dispose of old flowers to keep the cemetery looking nice.

Thank you in advance for your help in these matters.